Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Falling Flat and Break Yer Nose

Went out for drinks with one of my usual drinking leg. Gossiped a bit until she told me what her going-to-be ex boss said to another colleague.

That piece of shit mother fucker took the male staff for somewhat a business trip to Thailand. They went to a bar where there are girls, chics that serve you and get paid. But during the occasion, all the chics were more preoccupied serving those ang mos and paid no attention to 2 asian dudes.

The moron turned to his worker and said this in his face "You see ? The reason she didn't wanna come over to talk to you is because she knows you have no money. You are poor"

When I heard of that, although it doesn't concern me at all, I was seriously infuriated and really, imagined if I had been that guy staff, the boss woulda been punched in his ugly face.

One has, no matter how rich you are, no right to degrade someone like that in their faces, especially when he's you staff. The person whom you underpay and who actually is helping you to GET RICH.

I told my friend that this kinda person will get his bad karma soon. We all just need to wait and see God plays with him

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Driver !! Send Me To Eat Shit !!

A friend said, when you are rich, buy a big-ass car and get yourself a driver. Yeah ! If it's a limousine, YES ! I fucking will get myself a a driver to send me around like a helpless retard.

That's the difference in mentality of the grew-up-without-much and those who-didn't-know-how-lucky-they-were.

My parents said once, when we are rich, we will drive a big car. Then I asked, but why do I see people hiring drivers to send them around ?

My dad said "That's because they don't know how to drive"
My mom said "That's because they're stupid"

Then they both said "If we were to buy ourselves a super luxury car, we better drive it ourselves instead of letting the driver experience all the comfort and high-end on-board gadgets.

They have a point, why pay so much for a car that you get to sit at the back only ? Might as well take the bus or the van sapu. You still get a driver but you pay him so much less. IDIOTS !! You can be rich, one has every right to. But please, Oh I beg you, don't let yourself become the useless rich brat who can't differentiate reality and fairytale.

What kind of crap is "I get myself a driver because somewhere along the 30-minute journey from home to the office, I can formulate my business plan". I officially HATE bragging mother fuckers like these.


I personally don't really like people who talks as if they know every, single fucking thing about life. They say the dumbest things and always, expect others to follow what they say. I mean, HELLO !!!! Who the fucking hell do you think you are ????"

I seriously am superly and utterly annoyed by a certain group of people. When one, for a damn good example, say, buys a car, as true good friends, no matter how CRAP we think that car is, we must be happy for the new car owner, and instead of saying idiotic shit like "Aiyoh, why didn't you get so and so model instead of this one ?" Gosh !!! Seriously, we buy what we like and not what YOU like, get it ? There had been a number of times whereby I felt like telling this people "It's my money, I can buy WATEVA. As long I like it"

Honestly, usually these are those that can't really afford what others' can. So they try to be some smart-ass to mask their envy or even jealousy. Kinda sucks when you see someone younger becoming more successful than you huh ?