Sunday, July 11, 2010

Driver !! Send Me To Eat Shit !!

A friend said, when you are rich, buy a big-ass car and get yourself a driver. Yeah ! If it's a limousine, YES ! I fucking will get myself a a driver to send me around like a helpless retard.

That's the difference in mentality of the grew-up-without-much and those who-didn't-know-how-lucky-they-were.

My parents said once, when we are rich, we will drive a big car. Then I asked, but why do I see people hiring drivers to send them around ?

My dad said "That's because they don't know how to drive"
My mom said "That's because they're stupid"

Then they both said "If we were to buy ourselves a super luxury car, we better drive it ourselves instead of letting the driver experience all the comfort and high-end on-board gadgets.

They have a point, why pay so much for a car that you get to sit at the back only ? Might as well take the bus or the van sapu. You still get a driver but you pay him so much less. IDIOTS !! You can be rich, one has every right to. But please, Oh I beg you, don't let yourself become the useless rich brat who can't differentiate reality and fairytale.

What kind of crap is "I get myself a driver because somewhere along the 30-minute journey from home to the office, I can formulate my business plan". I officially HATE bragging mother fuckers like these.

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